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Belajar di Lab virtual ... serasa maen game VR

Begitulah cara menarik dan imersif ini benar-benar untuk para siswa.

Jadi, untuk menyelidiki apakah ini benar-benar berhasil,
seorang psikolog belajar melakukan penelitian dengan 160 siswa -
itu dari Universitas Stanford dan Universitas Teknik Denmark.

Dan apa yang mereka lakukan adalah membagi siswa menjadi dua kelompok.
Satu kelompok hanya akan menggunakan simulasi laboratorium virtual,
kelompok lain hanya akan menggunakan metode pengajaran tradisional,
dan mereka memiliki jumlah waktu yang sama.

Kemudian, menarik sekali,
mereka memberi siswa tes sebelum dan sesudah percobaan,
sehingga mereka bisa mengukur dengan jelas dampak pembelajaran siswa.

Dan apa yang mereka temukan
merupakan peningkatan 76% yang mengejutkan dalam efektivitas pembelajaran
ketika menggunakan laboratorium virtual dibandingkan metode pengajaran tradisional.

Tetapi yang lebih menarik lagi,
bagian kedua dari penelitian ini diselidiki
apa dampak guru terhadap pembelajaran.

Dan apa yang mereka temukan
adalah ketika Anda menggabungkan laboratorium virtual
dengan bimbingan dan pendampingan yang dibimbing oleh guru,
kemudian kami melihat peningkatan 101% dalam efektivitas pembelajaran,
yang secara efektif menggandakan dampak guru sains
dengan jumlah waktu yang sama.


ada penelitian di denmarrk ttg Lab Virtual untuk belajar :

And so, to investigate whether this really worked, a learning psychologist did a study with 160 students -- that was from Stanford University and Technical University of Denmark. And what they did is split the students into two groups. One group would only use the virtual laboratory simulations, the other group would only use traditional teaching methods, and they had the same amount of time. Then, interestingly, they gave the students a test before and after the experiment, so they could clearly measure the learning impact of the students. And what they found was a surprisingly high 76 percent increase in the learning effectiveness when using virtual laboratories over traditional teaching methods.

But even more interestingly, the second part of this study investigated what the teacher's impact was on the learning. And what they found was that when you combined the virtual laboratories with teacher-led coaching and mentoring, then we saw a total 101 percent increase in the learning effectiveness, which effectively doubles the science teacher's impact with the same amount of time spent. So a couple of months back, we started asking ourselves -- we have a wonderful team now of learning psychologists and teachers and scientists and game developers -- and we started asking ourselves: How can we keep ourselves to our promise of constantly reimagining education?

And today, I am really excited to be presenting what we came up with and have been working incredibly hard to create. I will explain briefly what this is. Basically, I take my mobile phone -- most students already have these, smartphones -- and I plug it into this virtual-reality headset, a low-cost headset. And now what I can effectively do is, I can literally step into this virtual world. We'll have some of you in the audience also get to try this, because it is really something that you have to try to fully feel how immersive it really is. It literally feels like I just stepped inside this virtual lab. Do you see me up on the screen?

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